We are currently not issuing superbills. For more information, please contact info@isha.health.
A superbill is a document that shows a list of services you received from a healthcare provider.You may be able to receive some amount of reimbursement for medical services by submit a superbill to your insurance company. Isha Health is an out of network provider. We will issue Superbill upon your request.
Based on your insurance carrier’s policies and your plan, several factors determine how much you may be reimbursed. These factors include:The amount allowed for a therapy service based on what your insurance company would pay for an in-network providerYour out-of-network benefit levelWhether you have met your out-of-network provider deductible for the yearYour coinsurance rate for out-of-network providers (the percentage of charges your insurance company expects you to pay)
Email info@isha.health to get your Superbill. Team Isha Health will send you your Superbill as soon as it is ready.
Use Reimbursify to submit your claims for out-of-newtork health insurance reimbursement. Your insurance company will process your reimbursement according to the details of your plan.
Get your money back! Once your insurance company finishes processing your claim, you will get a reimbursement. The amount would vary depending on the carrier’s policies and your plan.